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Proverbs 1: 7 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” The fear of the Lord does not mean...

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Temple (Part 4)

1 Kings 8:14,  20-21, 25-26

“14 Then the king {Solomon} turned around and blessed all the assembly of Israel, while all the assembly of Israel stood. He said...20 Now the Lord has upheld the promise that he made, for I have risen in the place of my father, David; I sit on the throne of Israel, as the Lord promised,  and have built the house for the name of the Lord, the God of Israel.  21 There I have provided a place for the ark, in which is the covenant of the Lord that he made with our ancestors when he brought them out of the land of Egypt… 25 Therefore, O Lord, God of Israel,  keep for your servant, my father David, that which you promised him, saying, there shall never fail you a successor before me to sit on the throne of Israel, if only your children look to their way, to walk before me as you have walked before me.  26 Therefore, O God of Israel, let your word be confirmed, which you promised to your servant, my father David.”

Solomon’s words are full of pride and arrogance; full of the word I- I have risen.., I sit on the throne.., I built the house.., I provided a place for the ark.   He pointed to his father, David, and actually reminded God of His promise to him, as if God had forgotten.  

In these words we see the seeds of Solomon’s spiritual downfall.

When we begin to believe that God’s accomplishments are our own and they were accomplished by our strength, power, and wisdom, then, spiritually, we are treading on thin ice.

“For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever.”


May the love of Christ be with you,

Rev. Eric Lanier (Retired)

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